Re | cov | er | y - “a return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength”

Oxford dictionary defines the word “recovery” as the return to a  previous state, a normal state of mind, body, and soul. Recovery from  substance use disorder is just that, being restored to a previous  healthy state, one where our minds are restored to sanity, and our  strength comes from a power greater than ourselves. Often times  when we think of addiction we only think about the substance. The  alcohol or the drug that ravished a person’s life leaving them  ostracized by society. What must not be forgotten is that behind the  drug, behind hangovers and the haze of alcohol, is a person  cherished and loved by the God who created them. The same God  that calls us to love without reservation, show hospitality to strangers,  and grant grace and mercy because we were first granted more grace  than we deserve. Those who struggle with substance use disorder  are not failures, they aren’t “weak-willed”, nor are they less than.  People who struggle with substances, in whatever form they present  themselves, are people. Period. People who deserve to be loved and  cared for. People who may not know the right person, or the right way  to reach out for help.  

The holidays are a time where families gather, friends host parties,  and people who struggle turn inward; one of the most dangerous  places for a person in active addiction to turn. The holidays are a  perfect storm for the depths of the disease of addiction to grab hold.  There is help. The doors of an Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or  Narcotics Anonymous (NA) meeting are always open. If you’re a  newcomer you won’t leave that meeting without phone numbers of  others in recovery ready and willing to lend a hand, ear, or shoulder  any time, day or night. If you’re going to parties where you know there  will be drinking and you’re uncomfortable, keep a cup in your hand at  all times. People usually won’t pour you a drink if you’re already  holding one. If your family member struggles with addiction and you  need support, the rooms of Al Anon (a family and friends of  alcoholics/addicts group) are also always open. 

Pick up the phone, tell someone you trust your struggles, go to a  meeting, listen to a podcast, pray. Whatever you do, don’t believe  you’re alone, that’s the enemy of your disease lying to you. Recovery  is possible, one day at a time.